HTML Rounded Submit Button With CSS Only Example

How to create a simple rounded submit button with CSS only

HTML Rounded Text Input With CSS Only ExampleIf you do web development then chances are you have also developed a few forms. Forms are fundamental for collecting information but can be rather plain and ordinary.

In an effort to make my forms more attractive I’ve taken to styling the submit buttons to have rounded corners and an attractive color other than gray. This simple technique makes the form submit buttons more attractive.
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HTML Rounded Text Input With CSS Only Example

How to create a simple rounded text input fields with CSS only

HTML Rounded Text Input With CSS Only ExampleIf you do web development then chances are you have also developed a few forms. Forms are fundamental for collecting information but can be rather plain and ordinary.

In an effort to make my forms more attractive I’ve taken to styling the input fields to have rounded corners. This simple technique makes the form fields more attractive.
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HTML Table With Rounded Corners With CSS Only Example

How to create a simple rounded corner table with CSS only

HTML Table with Rounded Corners ExampleI love presenting data in table form on my web pages. Tables are an excellent way to organize and present data to the user. However, tables can be pretty plain. One way I found to jazz them up is to apply rounded corners to them. This is very simple with just a minimal amount of CSS.
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PHP MySQL PDO Prepared Statement Query Example

How to execute a PDO Prepared Statement Query Example with MySQL

PHP MySQL PDO Prepared Statement Query ExamplePHP MySQL PDO Prepared Statement Query ExampleI recently decided to make the switch to using MySQL PDO Prepared Statements for my database queries. I wanted to add an additional layer of protection against SQL injection and PDO prepared statements are a perfect solution. When used properly PDO prepared statements are an excellent defense against SQL injections.
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MySQL Query by Geolocation (Latitude and Longitude) Example

How to query by geolocation (latitude and longitude) with MySQL

MySQL Query by Geolocation (Latitude and Longitude) ExampleIn one of my posts, I explain How To Google Geocode an Address With PHP. Please refer to How To Google Geocode an Address With PHP for specifics on geocoding an address.

In this post, I’ll explain how to use those saved geocoordinates to search for properties within a distance from a specific zip code. This example assumes you have properties in a table named tbl_listings with columns for listing_zip, listing_geolatitude, and listing_geolongitude. Providing a search by zip code is very simple. Providing a search for a given distance from a specific zip code is also pretty simple if you have the geographic coordinates of the target zip code.

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PHP Google Geocode an Address Example

How to Google Geocode an Address with PHP

PHP Google Geocode an Address ExampleI have a properly listing site I support that allows users to search for properties within a distance from a specific zip code. Providing a search by zip code is very simple. Providing a search for a given distance from a specific zip code is also pretty simple if you have the geographic coordinates of the target zip code. This is where Google’s Geocoding service comes in handy.

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PHP Process PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Example

How to Process PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) with PHP

PHP Process PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) ExampleI have worked on numerous sites that had a need to collect either a one-time payment or establish a recurring (subscription) payment. I always recommend  PayPal for collecting payments. PayPal not only offers the ability to make payment with PayPal but also allows non-PayPal buyers to pay with a debit or credit card. There is no charge to join PayPal and no monthly fee to use their service. There is only a charge when you receive a payment. Most clients I work with like not having to pay until you use it.

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PHP Process Lending Tree Personal Loan Request Example

How to Process Lending Tree Personal Loan Lead Request with PHP

PHP Process Lending Tree Personal Loan Request ExampleFor one of my sites, I had the opportunity to write an interface to process the Lending Tree Personal Loan request. Processing the Lending Tree Personal Loan request is pretty straightforward. For my site, we receive the request, parse the XML, store the lead values in the database, respond to the request with an ACK, make a decision as to whether or not to extend an offer, then prepare and send either an offer or no offer response.

We store the lead information in the database so if the lead reviews our offer and follows the link (we provided in our offer) to complete the application we can retrieve their information from our database and prepopulate our application form. This results in fewer steps required for the lead to complete the application process. The link we provide in our offer includes query string values to identify the lead so we can obtain the lead information from our database. For this example, the function fnPutLeadInfo() has been included in the source below as a placeholder.

The steps are: Get the post, parse the XML, update our database, send the ACK, make a decision, send either the offer or non-offer response.

The logic to make a decision has been omitted. For our example, the variable $offer has been set to false. You would need to add logic to make a decision whether or not to extend an offer to the lead.

For portability I’ve created separate functions for parsing the XML, building the ACK, updating the database, building the offer, building the non-offer, and sending the offer XML.

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PHP Process Job Listing Interface Example

How to Process Job Listing Interface with PHP

PHP Process Job Listing Interface ExampleI’ve worked on a few job recruiting and job listing sites and a few of those sites have requested the ability to show job listings.

The following example is a stand-alone page that will prompt the user for various search criteria then present matching job listing results.

At the bottom, I’ve included some paging in the event the job listing results are more than will fill a page. In order to maintain our search criteria, I’ve included the search criteria in the paging links. This way we can obtain the search criteria from the search form when posted or from the paging links when they are clicked.
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PHP Simple Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Example

How to create a simple Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with PHP only

PHP Simple Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ExampleI’ve had the need to create many spreadsheet exports over the years for various clients and found the simplest way to do it without having to install specific libraries or third party software is to just create the spreadsheet with plain PHP.

The following script will create a comma delimited  excel spreadsheet named spreadsheet_name.xls. When you browse to the page with this script the page will produce the export and provide a link to open it.
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